Why go to an Herbal Clinic?
It’s really convenient that herbalism is so accessible and that you can do a lot yourself for you and your family, but sometimes it’s nice to know that you can also get assistance from someone with lots of experience in herbal healthcare.

What to expect
The first appointment is booked for two hours. That’s because the herbalist wants to make sure that they have time to listen to you and get all the necessary information needed to help you.
You can expect to be asked questions about the various body systems, such as skin, skeletal, digestive, and more. Why? Because these systems are all connected to each other, and it wouldn’t be wholistic care if we didn’t cover all that.
Depending on what is learned from talking with you, the herbalist may ask to do a physical examination. That could be as simple as taking your pulse and blood pressure, to examinations such as listening to your heart or checking your range of motion.
You may be asked for copies of any laboratory tests you’ve had done as well as what prescriptions and supplements you are taking. This is so that any recommendations made by the herbalist can be as safe as possible. After all, herbs can interact with some things you might be taking.
Recommendations from the herbalist will be of an herbal, diet, supplement, and/or lifestyle nature.
At least one follow-up appointment is needed to make sure everything is going well, to answer any questions you might have, and to make any changes (if necessary) to the recommendations. If you are dealing with a long standing problem, more follow-ups may be needed. Follow-up appointments are usually between 30 to 60 minutes in length.
Herbalists DO NOT diagnose, treat, or prevent disease. That is something only physicians do.
Herbalists DO help guide you to help your body heal itself.